Mock Discussions and Informal Debates for ApologistsGrant provided me indispensable preparation for a debate-style public dialog. He researched and aptly portrayed my future dialog partner’s arguments and presentation style. As a result of this role-play, I weeded out particularly weak arguments and recognized some defensiveness in my approach and tone. I presented my points with more confidence, and, resultantly, more empathy. For anyone engaging in public dialog, I highly recommend the Faux Atheist ministry.
– Mary Jo Sharp, Assistant Professor of Apologetics, Houston Christian University
Discussion Topic: Violence and Women in the Bible
Grant Broadhurst is a tough “atheist.” He helped me prepare me for my discussion with Paulogia, and it was immensely helpful. I was looking for someone to help me prepare and he gladly volunteered last minute. He plays a better skeptic than the skeptics and provides extremely beneficial feedback. I never hurt so good. He’s not going to throw you softballs or let you off the hook. I’d definitely recommend! I can tell that Grant has listened to what the other side has to say and can steelman it to where you squirm (in a good way) and help you think through the issues. This is something that is sorely needed in the body of Christ. Take advantage!
– Erik Manning, Testify YouTuber
Discussion Topic: The Resurrection of Jesus and Gospel Reliability
The Basic Offer
While roleplaying as the Faux Atheist, I will have a discussion or informal debate with you on an apologetics topic. The goal will be mutual strengthening so you – and I – leave stronger than before.
The Why
It is far better to have an issue, weakness, or gap exposed by a fellow believer than in an actual apologetics encounter, especially a public one. I am also a firm believer that just having practice presenting one’s case to a critical audience is helpful. Think of this as bootcamp but with much more love.
What I’ll Do
I’ll be civil, friendly, and maybe even charming. But as the Faux Atheist, I will also push you as hard as I can with questions, criticisms, objections, and perhaps some novel moves you may not be able to anticipate. I will not hold back intellectually.
Who It’s For
This is for Christian apologist-types only. This is not for public consumption in any capacity. To see if you qualify, please see the FAQ below.
Suggested topics
The problem of evil, divine hiddenness, the resurrection of Jesus, Gospel reliability, hell, violence and women in the Bible, religious experience, moral arguments, the naive teleological argument, whether the evidentialist method can establish the truth of Christianity, the epistemic argument for the principle of sufficient reason, the argument from inference to the best explanation for the principle of sufficient reason, and possibly other topics or theistic arguments by request.

Grant Walker Broadhurst
Okay, so what are my boring qualifications?
- Master of Arts in Apologetics, specializing in philosophy, from Houston Christian University, including studying under Mike Licona, David Baggett, and Mary Jo Sharp. I earned a 4.0 GPA.
- Recipient of the C.S. Lewis Award for Apologetics, awarded by HCU’s School of Christian Thought.
- Recipient of HCU’s M.A. in Apologetics Merit Scholarship.
- Certified Reasonable Faith Chapter Director.
- Board Member at An Unexpected Journal.
- An experienced Dungeons & Dragons Dungeon Master who really knows how to get into character!
What a valuable experience it was! I assumed a lot of my arguments were sound when they really were not—at least in the form I presented them. Grant plays a great atheist. He has an offer on the table to hold other mock debates. Really, you should take him up on it!
– Dale Noonan, Reasonable Faith Chapter Director
Discussion Topic: Animal Suffering before the Fall
Interested? Contact Me
Frequently Asked Questions
Who qualifies for this free service?
To be considered for this free service, you must meet at least one of the following conditions:
- You have held, or are scheduled to hold, a public debate or discussion on an apologetics topic with a critic.
- You have published a book on an apologetics topic with a reputable publisher.
- You have a substantive online apologetics ministry with at least 1,000 subscribers or followers. (By substantive, I mean that merely disseminating memes or other people’s work doesn’t count, for example.)
- You hold a Masters or Doctorate in a relevant field.
- You are at least halfway through earning a Masters in Apologetics at either Houston Christian University or Biola University. Other university programs may also qualify.
- You are a certified Reasonable Faith Chapter Director.
- You are an apologist with Ratio Christi.
- You do not meet any of the above conditions but can demonstrate that you are active in apologetics and prepared.
Why isn't this for just anyone?
Essentially, I won’t do this if I’m going to just lob softballs. But I won’t play hardball with someone who I feel isn’t prepared for a serious mock discussion. For example, I don’t want to accidentally shake the faith of someone who has not progressed beyond reading Mere Christianity, The Case for Christ, and On Guard. So I reserve the right to not hold a mock discussion or informal debate with any interested person.
Okay, I'm interested. How does it work?
First, reach out to me (such as via the above form, Twitter DM, or Facebook) to set up a date and time for us to speak via videocall. It can just be us or—if you want—we can make it viewable live for interested apologist-types, such as Reasonable Faith Chapter Directors. I’ve done it both ways.
The actual discussion will go like this:
- I will pray for us before the discussion since this is not a purely intellectual exercise.
- We will have our discussion, beginning with you presenting your case. You can use slides or visual materials, if you like, and we can discuss your case – and the Faux Atheist’s objections – as we go along. If you are presenting a response to the problem of evil, for example, you can outline the basic problem, present your response, and we can go from there.
- Once we are done, we will have a brief post-discussion chat in which I provide feedback as both my Faux Atheist persona and as my genuine self. I will also answer any questions you might have.
- You will pray for us as we close out because, again, this is not a purely intellectual exercise.
By the way, What inspired this?
In the summer of 2022, one of the Reasonable Faith Chapter Directors – Erik Manning – needed someone to “play atheist” with him via video chat in preparation for an upcoming interview with a well-known atheist YouTuber on the resurrection. It proved useful to him, and I had so much fun doing it. I wanted to do more!
Moreover, in my apologetics classes at Houston Christian University, I pushed my fellow classmates very hard because, again, I am a firm believer that it is far better if something comes from a fellow friendly believer than in the real world. Same goes for me. As I play atheist, I may find gaps I need to fill too. As far as I am concerned, this is bootcamp, and this is love. It’s all a learning experience among brothers and sisters in Christ.
In fact, in one of Dr. Mike Licona’s classes, I had the opportunity to “play Muslim” in arguing against the idea that Jesus died on the cross. I had a fantastic time doing that, and I made some think I had actually gotten a real Muslim to write my post. So. Much. Fun.
So, basically, I love roleplaying, and I love strengthening people who defending the Christian faith intellectually.
This is a great offer for many YouTube apologists, church-level apologists, chapter directors, and other apologists. Very valuable. Glad to see young people taking initiative and risks. but the reality is that I have a doctorate or two, have taught at major universities, and am beardless. I may or may not have a British accent. Surely you recognize your limits and won't take me on? I don't want to embarrass you.
Well, actually, I thought about that! What if a highly experienced academic-level philosopher or historian reaches out?
Well, the answer is yes. Exuberantly, yes. I would love to have a discussion with you as my Faux Atheist persona!
For I recognize that such a discussion will likely go much further in strengthening me than you. So if you’re interested, I’m interested.
Even so, I will still do my best to prove challenging. In fact, on certain issues like the problem of evil and divine hiddenness, I think I can make a pretty challenging case. But I don’t always expect to “win” these discussions anyway, and I rather hope I don’t “win” since I am a follower of Jesus. So I am happy to take the losing side and swim in deep waters.